In 2020 I created a Patreon that is a virtual yoga studio. We have over 200 on demand classes and counting. Classes range all skill levels, duration, and styles.

In addition to the on demand classes, there is a live class option on Patreon. When you subscribe at the live class level you get access to all the on demand videos, as well as one live meditation, three live classes per week and select monthly pop up classes out of my home studio. If you can’t make class you get access to the recording of it for on week! We have a blossoming community of over 100 movers, and I’d love to have you in on it! You can find out more info/join Patreon here!

If you’re not ready to subscribe, but you’re interested in attending a class to see what all the hype is about check out the schedule below and grab a drop in or class pack! I can’t wait to see you in our virtual studio.

Virtual Class Schedule: (weekly)

Sunday 11AM CST Slow Flow (50 mins) (Sign up for Class here!On Sundays we work active mobility! Untangling fascial lines, deep core strengthening, and meditation. 

Monday 815 CST Meditation (10 mins) (Sign up to meditate here!) Set the tone for your work with meditation and breathwork!

Tuesday 5:15PM CST Vinyasa Flow 2 (50mins) (Sign up for class here!) Big on play, deep core strengthening, options to flip upside down!

Thursday 12PMCST All Levels Vinyasa (50 mins) (Sign Up for Class here!)  All Levels, Playful Transitions, full body strengthening and opening

If you want to be on my email list about class offerings/times on zoom send me a message!

Drop In

One drop in to any class in the virtual studio!

3 Class Pack

Attend any 3 classes in the virtual studio, no expiration date!

Meditation 3 Pack

Meditate with me on Monday mornings at 9AM CST, 3 Pack. No expiration date.